Thursday, November 1, 2018

Why I Wear My Veteran's Hat

I often wear my veteran’s hat in public.

- It pisses redneck conservatives off because a liberal-commie-hippie served and they didn’t.

- It makes liberals feel a little ashamed to see I don't pose much of a threat.

- It scares the hell out of people at Walmart and they don’t block your way talking on their cell phones.

- A DD 214 carries much more prestige than a flag lapel-pin.

- It allows another Brother to spot me.

- And … twice I’ve had strangers pay for my meals.

Good enough reasons, I would say.

Once in a blue moon, someone will say “Thank you for your service.” I’ve wondered what to say back.

“You’re only 50 years too late.” – No, too snarky.
“I didn’t serve, I survived.” – No, too whiney.
“It was my honor.” Oh, for Christ’s sake.
“Thank you.” – That will do in a pinch, but too passive.

Lately, and until next week, I’ve come up with what I consider a good one.

“I just did my duty. Please do yours and vote.”