Sometimes I post things here that I fear might rankle some. I do it anyway for I believe that thinking is preferable to clinging to, as Plato observed, false or erroneous perceptions and belief.
I saw a post about Vietnam Veterans that sparked a long simmering thought of mine. Followng us just a finding of facts, that’s all, not a condemnation.
Back in the 1960s, John McCain was doing the wrong thing, but doing it honorable on orders from, and in service to, his country. He did not order the bombing of innocent people. Self-serving and misguided people did. After being shot down, he acted in the most honorable way imaginable. He was a hero then, despite what Donald Trump may think.
On the other hand, Jane Fonda’s beliefs were honorable, but she carried them out stupidly at best, dishonorably at worst.
My take on all this? Life and the pursuit of righteousness is a complicated affair and not achievable through sound bites and Facebook posts. I’m going to work on new perceptions today. That should be the basis for action.