Monday, February 3, 2020

The End My Friend

Random thoughts on politics and the mess we’re in:

– I’m no expert on politics, and I try to stay non-partisan, but it’s beginning to look to me as though Mike Bloomberg is the only person with a “D” beside his name, (or Bernie Sanders for that matter), who has the faintest clue as to what it will take to change the administration of the U.S. in November.

– Since we’d best not buy any food that was processed in China and sent back to us, we checked our freezer yesterday for results from previous sale purchase and gardening efforts. We’ll probably be good until the Coronavirus gets us or wears itself out by some miracle. I don’t think we can last until a new administration to reconstruct our guardian federal agencies.

– Been reading about an America in which corporate America owned the supreme court, congress, and the presidency. The poor were only tolerated for cheap labor. Voting was a farce. Government refused to help the poor but allocated billions to assist corporations in making higher profits.

– The administration refused to help small farmers but awarded obscene contracts to corporations doing government work.

– The federal government participated in assaulting organized labor.

– Wrong. It was in the so-called “Robber Baron” era. Things went to hell in 1927.