Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The End of Truth

Yesterday we watched the segment of the film version of Band of Brothers, where the unit discovers the remnants of a Nazi concentration camp.

We find it particularly disturbing that a major political party in the United States of America is fostering a sub-cult that believes, and teaches, that the World War Two atrocities against the Jewish population of Europe never happened. The president of the United States of America has opined of the sub-cult, "Some are fine people." A sickening percentage of this party doubts the truth of the Holocaust

How can this be true? There are films. The U.S. Army Signal Corps made sure that the findings were filmed in detail.

There were millions of personal accounts by survivors and victims families.

There were remnants: stacks of shoes, eyeglasses, human hair, gold teeth, and suitcases.

There were books by survivors.

There were even trials and executions.

We knew the truth and the stench stained our nostrils.

Then came Fox "news." It became both effective and fashionable to spread falsehoods. The act itself created a profit center for the major stockholders, an Australian and a Saudi.

This was followed by an attack on education, particularly science and history. Africans captured from their homes, stacked like cord wood, shackled like animals, and shipped across the ocean were no longer slaves, but "guest workers" seeking employment in the New World.

Evangelicals like Franklin Graham began using the Holy Bible to preach hate instead of love and grace.

Truth may be dead. If so, America may pay an awful price for this.

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