Monday, May 18, 2020


The Great Unfriending: Yesterday did it for me. On that blessed day of rest, reflection, repose, and, for many. religion, things happened as usual. Friends, some I’ve known since Lakeside grade school in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, continued to post the most scurrilous, venomous, and divisive posts imaginable for all to see on Facebook. I grew weary of it at last.

Some bore false witness against innocent and honorable people. Dr. Anthony Fauci seems to be a favorite target these days, along with President Barack Obama and his family. They have replaced as targets, for the time being at least, shipmates John Kerry and John McCain, men of honor. Sometimes, I wonder if those of certain political persuasions are still capable of shame.

I don’t fault you for adhering to a different political philosophy than mine. People read history, study facts, and draw conclusions differently. Such differences can keep a nation balanced. What I plan to eliminate from view are those who attack the basic human fundamentals of anyone to whom they are directed by people and organizations that I don’t believe have my country’s best interests at heart.

Disagree with my conclusions, or as Sheriff Marge Gunderson called them, “police work.” But I cannot abide you calling Dr. Fauci a disciple of a devil. I cannot abide you calling Michelle Obama or her daughters, “monkeys.” I cannot abide you posting Russian memes claiming that a political party, one that has initiated the safety nets that have protected “the least of those among us” for over 80 years, created a world-wide crisis aimed at destroying America. I cannot abide social media posts designed for no other purpose than to divide us as a nation.

My god, some of you claim to be preachers of the Galilean’s teachings. When did you cross that line onto the wrong side of history?

I realize I cannot change the minds or attitudes of those who support a political movement that would mock the disabled, imprison the innocent refugee, sport the Nazi flag, laud domestic terrorists, or deprive innocent citizens, some who have served their country as I did, the ability to vote in elections. I won’t try to change minds. I won’t, however, allow poison to invade mine. It drives up my blood pressure.

The oath I took more than 50 years ago bade me to “… defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic:” It contained no expiration date. I’m sorry but those armed thugs who are invading our state capitols are included in that charge. So are the two men, an Australian and a Saudi who own most of the network spewing lies and anti-American dissension 24 hours per day.

It’s not that I hate, or even dislike you. I love you, in fact. I know for that many of you have good qualities. Neither do I absolve myself of weaknesses. Had I devoted large segments of my life to watching the Fox show, who knows but what my mind might have left the world of reason and respect.

Neither do I condemn you. We are, despite our differences, all Americans and we are all in this together. We will remain so. We have no choice. I simply will not allow the poison you post to cause me further anxiety. I, in turn, will edit my posts more carefully. I wish you the best, and I would love to remain aware of your hopes and dreams. Unfortunately, it can’t be so. I hope for the best in our country, but I increasingly fear the worst, and I choose not to be a part of it. As Woody Guthrie said, “So long, it’s been good to know you.”