Monday, May 4, 2020


Sickening. That’s how I feel about the misguided citizens and thugs showing up at state capitols, some with weapons, some reportedly paid to participate, all oblivious to the lessons of history. The most nauseating sight is of a person carrying as sign reading "Arbeit Macht Frei." For those who don’t know, and there are an alarmingly high number who don’t, this was a favorite slogan of the Nazis who ran Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. It literally means “work sets you free.” It appeared first, I believe, at the jourhasuaz, or entrance to Dachau concentration camp near Munich. That one started as a place of containment for political and other prisoners. It later housed Jews and other "enemies of the Reich."

Eventually, 40,000 people died there. I don’t think the person carrying the sign knows that.

The sign at Dachau was copied by other camps, most famously at the  Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps, and has become a symbol of the cruel taunting of people so debased that they would exterminate those whom they consider "lazy and egotistical" faul und selbstsüchtig. For the person in the picture, that apparently includes the elderly.

A little quiz for the few who may think these Koch-funded terrorist are simply protesters. Want to guess which ones below understand the true intent behind the Nazi term "Arbeit Macht Frei?" Oh, and by the way, the governor of the state where this “thing” is protesting is Jewish.

That is what America has become for some. I don’t know whether to puke or burn my Honorable Discharge.

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