Thursday, June 30, 2022


 A different kind of progressive, I understand why a dear friend who made a good living and amassed a small fortune crawling around in attics in Arkansas Augusts resents paying taxes when he believes a large portion of them go to support able-bodied people who won’t work. I understand. I know that his beliefs don’t take into account the many truths and complexities of socioeconomic factors in America. I know he doesn't know the truth about taxation.

But I understand his feelings and we talk. What I can’t understand is mean-spirited people who, in the advancement of mythology or politics—yes I repeat myself—refuse to consider the despair of a young woman who finds that the man who impregnated her with the promise of eternal love and support has eschewed the responsibility of fatherhood and fled.

I don't understand the cruelty of men who would pass laws mandating that a woman die rather than receive the medical care prescribed by her doctor.

I don't understand the mendacity of lawmakers who give the male of the species a free ride in the whole abortion issue.

I just don't understand. Do you?

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